Pathologic 2 Resource List

This page contains a list of resources related to Pathologic 2.

Uploaded to this site

Pathologic 2 Herb & Brewing Guide: Text and drawn guides for picking herbs and brewing medicine in Pathologic 2.

Pathologic 2 Blender Model Tutorial: Information on how to download, unpack, set up, pose, and render Pathologic 2 models in the software Blender.

On Other Sites

Pathologic Wiki Entry: Townsfolk: Some Townsfolk, like the Herb Brides and Infected Townsfolk, will trade for tinctures. Others will trade you items that you might need for repairing the alembic and brewery.

Pathologic 2 Steam Discussion - Better Diagnostic Tactics with Math! (Archive): A guide on how to best use your tinctures and antibiotics while diagnosing patients. Thanks for the link, Jude!

The Gorkhon Archives: Resources: A list of Pathologic resources maintained by